Temporal Mantra Sound dairy

13:15 01.06

humming humming hummmmmmm…

Little pips on the background no rhythm,

no harmony, other creatures crowl slowly.

13:16 02.06

counterpoint everywhere,

voices with curiosity, come and go,

some very specific ones are directed towards me

13:17 03.06

all its voice surrounds me

from left to right, it has no end. It

is everywhere, sometimes calm,

sometimes agitated, and its voice is a

thousand voices at once

13:18 04.06

silences, the most terrible ones,

with small pauses of voice,

then silence again

13:19 05.06

a gray covers everything,

casting shadows of voices, small,

high-pitched and continuous, the

atmosphere tastes of salt, the gray

calms everything

13:20 06.06

a great presence moves quickly,

splashing its own steps, the presence

continues even though other beings also

move from time to time

13:21 07.06

a great presence is outside

of my world, so large that it covers

almost everything, it is old, calm and

made of thousands of presences, its

voice is heard in every corner

13:22 08.06

dark tones,

darker than my skin,

the voice is born from the echo,

and the echo responds to itself

13:23 10.06

small voices in the distance,

they move among themselves, creating small

conversations. A great being outside surrounds us

and imposes itself from time to time. Its voice is

a crescendo and diminuendo from Forte to Fortissimo

13:24 11.06

it flows calm and warm,

it is a sound that listens to you.

And it always converses with you

13:25 12.06

almost at the same hour

and minute, the same warm voice

talked to me. It surrounded my ears

and presence and always stayed warm

and relaxed

13:26 13.06

it comes and goes,

it comes and goes,

yet somehow it always returns,

and it always returns with its warm voice

13:27 14.06

a great dense and heavy sound covers me,

it has small voices from here and there,

irregular and without words,

the sound is so heavy that it almost becomes loneliness

13:28 15.06

on my way, someone got my attention

to come closer. As I do, a deep and small

drone can be heard, and in the distance,

other small voices appear and disappear.

Someone outside is always there

13:29 16.06

voices in the distance,

small and high-pitched, percussive

and meaningless, and in the

background, a presence that

surrounds me

13:30 17.06

who is behind the voices,

both are very dissident, they clash

and coincide in the background,

someone tries to cover them

13:31 18.06

one alone among thousands,

does not listen, only speaks and his

voice lacks meaning

13:32 19.06

it comes and goes in rhythm,

though artificial, the echo keeps resonating,

from loud to soft, but always traveling

13:33 20.06

although everything moves,

there is something static, very heavy,

and it has been there for years

13:34 21.06

something flows slowly in the distance,

I can barely hear the current of the sea,

a very small drone accompanies me

And outside there are small, punctual, and high pitched voices

13:35 24.06

No sound, no light, a deep inner thought, that’s all

This work was produced with the financial

assistance of the European Union. The

views expressed herein can in no way be

taken to reflect the official opinion of the

European Union.

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